Miguel’s Story
Miguel is one of the many reasons Homes For Veterans exists and why we do what we do. A perfectly healthy and patriotic young man joins the United States Marine Corps. He is studying for a Criminal Justice Degree. He takes motorcycle lessons being offered to military, police, fire and EMT’s. Miguel was hit by a car whilst on his motorcycle and paralyzed from the waist down. His career with the Marine Corps is over. BUT………..
Because of Homes For Veterans, his life is not over. We stepped up to the plate and helped this young man with a ramp and railing, and we have remodeled his bathroom making it wheelchair accessible so he can get in and out with ease.
Rather than being just another forgotten statistic, Homes For Veterans takes YOUR generous donation dollars and creates a living space for these Veterans so they can get on with their lives and their work.
Please continue to help US help THEM by generously donating to the Homes For Veterans cause. Miguel thanks you and so do we.
Here is Miguel’s story in his own words:
Hello, my name is Miguel. I joined the United States Marine Corps on January 5, 2015.
I grew up watching all the wars on the History Channel, and that is what got me hooked on becoming a Marine. I enlisted on the reserves side because I wanted to come back home and finish my Criminal Justice Degree. I did do some active duty at my reserve station for a few months.
I then saw on an advertisement that they were giving free motorcycle classes for Military, Police, Fire and EMT’s. So, as soon as I got my license I began to ride.
The 2nd day of my ever riding a motorcycle, I was on my way to the morning shift at work. I was riding down North Avenue in Union New Jersey going 40 mph. About one foot in front of me, some kid cut in front of me and I ditched my bike, hit the ground then bounced off of his car going 40 mph.
I woke up in the hospital not being able to move or feel my lower body. I ended up breaking my back and my right arm.
I currently have 14 metal rods and 2 screws in my back, plus a metal plate in my arm.
Unfortunately I did not get to serve my country for very long. Honorably discharged.