HOME DESTROYED: $60k to Navy Corpsman and Frontline Worker to Rebuild Home

Since 2020, both Christopher and his wife Pearl fought on the frontlines of COVID19 in Hackensack, NJ - one of the epicenters of the virus, to protect our community from the pandemic.
Hurricane Ida struck their home in September and destroyed the foundation of their house, flooded their basement and as a result, displaced them from their home.
They have been living in shelters and hotels waiting on FEMA to help them. After over a month of waiting and pleas to their friends and neighbors, they were only approved for $19k from FEMA. They have over $99,000 in damages in to their home and cars.
When Homes for Veterans heard about this tragic situation, we had to step in to help. We couldn't see Christopher and his children living in shelters any longer.
We decided to donate $60,000 to get the project started and foundation rebuilt so their would be no further damage to the rest of their home. The goal is to get them at least back in their own home before the holidays.
We have also decided to set up a fundraiser page on Network For Good to raise additional funds to try and help them complete the full payment to the contractor.
"In 1998 I joined the Navy to escape the trials and tribulations of my community and to establish some order and stability in my life at the time. I was committed to be a hospital Corpsman and serve my Country as well as earn a respectable trade for my future. During my career, I fell in love with helping people and the opportunities presented to me. After my C-school, I went to my first duty station at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth where I learn the responsibilities of being a corpsman.
Within my first two years of being there, I volunteered to get my 8404 which was Marine Corps field medical training and to take care of my Marines in Camp Pendleton, California. This collaboration that I have been bestowed between the Navy and Marine Corps has embedded in me the courage to help and heal - as well as to fight.
This is why through this disaster, which has displaced and hurt my family, I am humble enough to ask for help - as well as challenge the entities that make it harder for us." - Chris King