Veteran Trapped Inside and Unable to attend his Doctor Appointments

Mr. Daniel Robertson Sr. of New Jersey was born by a midwife in the 1940s in South Carolina. He was drafted into the army initially but had more interest in the Air Force and was eventually transferred.

"I joined the air force because I thought I could serve my country and see the world... If I had it to do again, I would join the Air Force again."
Mr. Robertson Sr. was stationed right on the Black Sea where Turkey borders Russia. They were placed there to protect the civilians in the area. He worked as a teletypist so he was not subjected to any physical combat, however, he "saw a great deal [of physical combat] that will be in [his] mind forever"
Currently Mr. Robertson is trapped inside of his home without access to a wheelchair ramp. He has been unable to keep up with his doctor appointments for almost a year.

"My home needs a wheelchair ramp. I am disabled and unable to enter and exit the home independently. Having a ramp added to my home would allow me the freedom to care for myself and improve my quality of life."
We were contacted by Mr. Robertson's advocate and worked with her to complete a ramp within days of receiving his application.

SPECIAL THANK YOU to Annie and the team at Patriot Mobility for installing the ramp so quickly and efficiently and Mya of WellCare for bringing this veteran into our community so he could get the help he needed.