Vietnam Veteran with Parkinson's Disease Needs Accessible Bathroom
Many years after his service, he spent years trying to normalize his experience until he was diagnosed with PTSD. Leslie never knew what PTSD was until many years of struggling...
Project COMPLETE: Mr. Rodriguez's Accessible Bathroom
Our veteran hero is on a waitlist for a life saving liver transplant and could be called into surgery any day. In addition to the cancer, Mr. Rodriguez suffers from...
Contaminated Water from Camp Lejeune Caused Liver Cancer - Accessible Bathroom Needed!
The water contamination at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 is no secret. Many veterans who bathe in and ingested the contaminated water are now suffering from various cancers and...
Partnering with Houses for Warriors to Give Tyler and His Family a Safe Home
Tyler was deployed to Afghanistan in early 2005. On May 3, 2005 the battalion scouts were ambushed by a group of insurgents, which is when Tyler and his Company were...
Removed Rugs for Purple Heart Vet With Lung Cancer Due to Burn Pits
Matthew’s story is heartbreaking and significant for many reasons. This diagnosis has now hindered his ability to work, bringing him and his wife from 2 incomes down to one. This...
New Chair Lift For Vietnam Vet With Heart Condition
Joseph Salonia is a Vietnam Veteran who was born and raised in New Jersey. He loved this country and decided to volunteer for the military in 1965. His job was...